2024 Iowa State Fair Fly Tying Competition Results

2024 Iowa State Fair Fly Tying Competition Results

2024 Iowa State Fair Fly Tying Competition Results


The Iowa State Fair Fly Tying Competition was held at the 2024 Iowa State Fair. This competition has been developed and sponsored by the Hawkeye Fly Fishing Association (HFFA) with support of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).  There were 19 entrants with 59 flies entered into the competition from across the state.  There are 3 divisions: junior, adult, and expert.  There 6 in the junior division (ranging in age from 13 to 4), 9 in the adult division, and 4 in the expert division.  There are four categories: dry flies, wet/nymph flies, streamer flies, and open.
This year’s judges were Dave Rosset (Des Moines), Paul Domoto (Ames) and Keith Wunder (West Des Moines).

The judging took place at the State Fair on Wednesday, August 7th.
The flies were on display in the DNR building on the fairgrounds during the entire fair.

Junior Division

Dry Fly Category

1st Place                Maverick Mendick           Tiger Shark                                        Moulton

 Wet Fly/Nymph

1st Place                Leland David                      #14 Mallard Flank                           Sioux City

2nd Place               Cruz Coorough                  In Blue                                               North Liberty

3rd Place               Jacob McVey                     Sparkle Nymph                                 Ankeny

 Open Category

1st Place              Leland David                      #4 Minnow                                         Sioux City

2nd Place               Jacob McVey                     Gold Nymph                                      Ankeny

3rd Place               Marky Mendick                  Super Fly                                           Moulton

Streamer Category

1st Place              Cruz Coorough                  Black Woolly Bugger                          North Liberty

2nd Place               Jacob McVey                     Woolly Bugger                                    Ankeny

3rd Place               Logan McVey                     Bumblebee Minnow                          Ankeny


Adult Division

 Dry Fly Category

1st Place              Mike Schrader                   Wally Wing Spinner                         Des Moines

2nd Place             Nick Hayes                          Adams Irrirestable                          Cedar Rapids

3rd Place               Andy Hunsinger                  Piccary Dry Fly                                Pella

Wet Fly/Nymph Category

1st Place              Mike Schrader                   Woven Caddis Larva                         Des Moines

2nd Place             Mark McConnell               Kris Kringle Copper John               Pella

3rd Place              Andy Hunsinger                Mylar Prince                                      Pella

Open Category

1st Place              Nick Hayes                          Pheasant Back Craw                       Cedar Rapids

2nd Place             Tom Polehna                     Peachy                                                 Cedar Rapids

3rd Place              Mark McConnell               Little Golden Stonefly                      Pella

Streamer Category

1st Place              Nick Hayes                          Murdich Minnow                             Cedar Rapids

2nd Place             Kevin McVey                     Smallmouth Spey                             Ankeny

3rd Place              Andy Hunsinger                Baby Blues                                         Pella


Expert Division

 Dry Fly Category

1st Place              Mike Jacobs                       Arrick’s Ant                                        Monticello

2nd Place             Jeff Moore                         Royal Humpy                                    Cedar Rapids

3rd Place               Mark Smothers                 Mosquito                                            Peosta

Wet Fly/Nymph Category

1st Place              Jeff Moore                         Adam’s                                                 Cedar Rapids

2nd Place             CJ Klenske                           Red Neck Pleasant Tail                  Dubuque

3rd Place               Mark Smothers                 10A May                                              Peosta

 Open Category

1st Place              Jeff Moore                         Whitlock’s Gierbubble Bug               Cedar Rapids

2nd Place             CJ Klenske                           Kamikaze Sculpin                            Dubuque

3rd Place               Mike Jacobs                       Downpressor                                      Monticello

Streamer Category

1st Place              Jeff Moore                         Gray Ghost                                             Cedar Rapids

2nd Place             Mark Smothers                 Big Hole Demon                                   Peosta

3rd Place               Mike Jacobs                       3M Minnow                                           Monticello



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