By Don Otto

The 2023 HFFA Bluegill Outing will be May 20 & 21 2023 at Lake Wapello State Park, just west of Drakesville, Iowa.  This is a informal gathering of friends that like to catch and eat Bluegills and Crappie.  There will be a fish fry and potluck at noon on Saturday the 20th.  Please bring an appetite and some food to share.  Dan Peterson and Steve Anderson will deep fry the fish.  After many years of planning and supporting this outing, Dan is retiring to just fishing and telling stories.  Ronda Long is the contact person for this years outing.  Contact her with questions at .

Close up of man wearing a red sweatshirt. He is sitting in a boat on the water and is holding a large bass.
Nice fish, Alex!

Who We Are

Hawkeye Fly Fishing Association (HFFA) holds events and provides resources for people interested in fly fishing, fly tying and fish habitat conservation. We are an Iowa-based affiliate of Fly Fishers International.

Support HFFA

Would you like to support the mission of Hawkeye Fly Fishing Association? Please consider becoming a member or making a donation.

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